Products & Services
  • Conducting applied research in all branches of mechanical engineering with the approach of solving industrial challenges and problems.
  • Designing equipment and mining and processing plants with a focus on obtaining and developing of technical knowledge.
  • Prototyping the designed equipment and checking their performance with the vision of future mass production,
  • Supervising the construction of equipment, machinery, and mining and processing plants,
  • Monitoring and optimization of active mechanical equipment in production lines of factories,
  • Performing numerical simulations to understand and solve industrial problems and understand them as best as possible,
  • Management and optimization of energy consumption in various industrial units.

Research and development is a dynamic process of interconnected basic research, applied research, and development research, the results of which lead to the production of new technology or products.

In many important and advanced industries around the world, research and development units are considered a key and undeniable part of the industry, so it can be said that without their activity, it will be impossible to achieve the set goals and prospects. Research and development units play an important role in creating new industrial products, reducing production costs, and improving productivity.

In this regard, the Mechanical Engineering Research and Technological Development Department of the IBKO Group using its experienced experts provides services to various departments of the group, especially in the field of designing equipment and machinery needed by various factories in the group. In addition, this department has developed close relationships with the country’s industrial universities to benefit from their scientific capabilities.